Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Welll!! I love to write anything!!

Namaskar...Shubh Sandhya...that is on the behalf of someone who is in Mumbai rite now..I ll go with Good Evening...FACEBOOK...thanks for being my pal fr the last 48 hrs but then letme be frank enuf..u r a boring web made by the spider (my personal opinion) ...cus even if you are a virtual friend which allows to me to interact with the rest of the world..i cannot have a cup of coffee with them cause you engage the rest of the world in updating their status messages and uploading photos especially DP's (an acronym for Display Pictures).. and ..now thus there lies the fact...virtuality is taking over reality.....I know there may be a dissent between me and my friends at this point of moment...but then that is how i felt in these last 48 hrs when consulshantanu had no work except turning his Laptop from sleep to ON and from ON to sleep and every thread ensured that my next supposed action would be an entrance into the world of facebook..probably a person may talk foolish after a long still continuing voyage of boredom,apathy and weariness...Am i looking contrite ???...well may be.....Phewww..!! I really hope this excursion to boredom is not inexorable and should be ephemeral....No complications!! :P
.....Ohkay!!!....Fineee!!...Friends!!..Kids..Brothers..Sisters..and Girlfriend..thank you Lord...I do not have a 'S' attached to the last word or else a ferocious attack would have ruptured the already ruptured Shantanu Consul.!!..I can actually feel the way I am expressing myself right now...Is this how you write in this soujourn epoch of Boredom?? Fun ofcourse..the one with the laugther therapy..!!!.....Well coming onto the point...I really really wanted to visit the Mood Indigo this year with my friends..and ya with the person from whom I conveyed Namaste at the beginning of this post(You were more important than MI *Now Happy* but then it is true that i am missing you!! PDA :P)....Got a waitlisted ticket on the 18th morning(not a problem could have shared the seat with my friends :P ) and that was followed by me turning into an imaginary sybarite aggrandized by my plans...Lolzz...A resonant plan was then struck into the world of confusion on the 19th morning when my mom came back and told me to rethink on my plan as my Nani(Maternal Grandmother in bold.. :P) was unwell...still i wanted to go ......
20th the day comes..Morning:- A dignified,respectable and obidient soul within me decided to stay back and support my mom....With a heavy heart I proceeded towards the railway station to cancel my waitlisted ticket....but the irony here is is is is is.....( comeon it is as special as announcing an oscar for the best actor in the category male*Grins*)...is is is 108 waitlisted ticket got confirmed at 12:30 PM which was scheduled to leave at 1400 Hrs at the Jaipur railway station......Love,laughter,fun,sybarite aggrandized dreams took over me and I called up my Mom...Jaunn kya??? ...she said in an uproarious voice ,the answer which was unexpected at that point...NO.OOOOOOOOO...The resonant idea finally died at 1300 Hrs..landing me down into the world of boredom and lassitude.........but then I would like to mention a few munificient and majestic people who have supported me...
Raman Bhatia *in Bold*.Damn talk to him for 15 mins..and u feel u have landed in the arena of laugther challenge....thanks Gray Matter Boy!!!>..
Gargi Consul *In Heavy weight Category*...who has supported me in the idea of ordering the dominos pizza and cooking Hakka Noodles.....sorry but the truth is truth....
Last But not the least I Miss U....*Enjoy ur Mumbai trip*.................Well that is all for today..wait wait wait...A heartiest congratulations to all my Batchmates for making it to their dream company :P...Guys we rock.......Phir Milenge! Chalte Chalte!! ...Signing Off ....Shantanu Consul....